Representation in Brazil of new and/or used equipment supplied by Titan Machinery, Fargo, ND, USA, with full assistance to the brazilian buyer in door-to-door logistics management (delivery to the customer's address), obtaining all the benefits tax and financing lines in Brazil and abroad for the acquisition of agricultural machinery and equipments.
Polat Makina, Turkey: project at South Region of Minas Gerais State: Import costs studies, calculation of tax benefits for full plant processing and olive oil production. Modular plant containing full set of equipments comprising grinder, mixer, decanter, oil tank, conveyor and control panel. Import taxes exemptions around 30% of the total cost of the modular plant.
Exclusive components commercialization for individual safety devices with businesses done at several Brazilian Companies, contributing to the reduction of their annual costs of inputs purchases ranging around USD 500,000.00 to USD 800,000.00 annually .
Importation of used equipment with no brazilian similar national manufacture and used full circuits for agricultural processing. Management of all strategic outsourcing door to door steps (identification of equipments, equipments technical inspections, supply negotiations, import financings arrangements, import documentation approvals, domestic and international logistics etc), with delivery of the equipments in the project site.
Consultancy services for Italian Groups suppliers of inputs and parts for grain conveyors and conveyors for minerals transport, with generating business in Brazil of approximately USD 4.5 million over 5 years of works carried out.
Technical visit and inspection of an Italian food factory at the Region of Tuscany, for partnerships researches. Evaluation of commercial costs, pricing, definition of business strategies with potential development of partners in Brazil.
Logistics management (Charleston-USA / Santos-SP) for the acquisition of inorganic waste treatment and environmental protection industrial plant. Tax savings generated in the order of € 700,000 with tax benefits obtained.
Import / export of chemicals / inputs; development of foreign markets for inputs supplies and for marketing abroad. Expertise in developing new global suppliers of chemical inputs.
Contracting and inspections services for industrial inputs palletizing operation. Project developed at Xi´an City, Shaanxi Province, China.
Structuring partnership agreements abroad to storage, packaging and distribution of capital, parts and supplies for industrial projects. Photo of a wharehouse service at the Port of Baltimore, USA, for cargo storage and assembly of packaging for international shipping.

Rua Petrolina, 811, sala 2, Sagrada Família
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais, CEP 31030-370, Brasil
Phone: 0055-31-34879218

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